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A father working on a laptop, drinking a cup of tea, with a toddler on his lap.

Workforce of the Future

The pandemic has accelerated a change in the way people work unlike anything ever seen before.

Understanding the workforce of the future

Especially given the growing role technology plays in everyday working lives. Two years in, it’s a good time for employers to pause and reflect. Do you understand what your people really need to be happy and productive at work? Are you equipped to attract and retain the right people today and in the future?

Taking it to the nation

We’re going to survey 2,000 full-time workers across different sectors and industries, throughout the UK. We’ll speak to people about their experiences of employment throughout the pandemic, and how it’s impacted the way they feel about work. We’ll be assessing what people’s priorities are, so we can paint a picture of the lasting change – if any – the pandemic has had on working life. Then, we’ll share our report and recommendations to help all employers support this workforce of the future.

We’ll start with ‘where?’

Remote working. For many people, the ability to work from home has been a gamechanger. For some it will have meant greater flexibility to focus on tasks and objectives, rather than hours clocked and commutes taken, allowing for greater productivity. For others, working from home will have blurred the lines and led to presenteeism, poor mental health and burnout. The rise of a generation of ‘Covid nomads’, able to work from anywhere, will leave some employers wondering how best to support the wellbeing of a workforce they rarely see. So as the world does return to work in physical offices, how do people feel about it? Relieved? Disgruntled? Indifferent?

We’ll also be asking non office-based workers how this rise in remote working has affected how they feel about their own roles. What would they like to see from employers to reward their work? Do they feel trusted and respected to get the job done on their own terms?

The future of flexible working

For carers, parents, and those with specific health needs, flexible working has long been a key issue on the agenda. But now, the rest of the workforce has tuned into the conversation. Through our poll we’ll find out what ‘flexible’ means to different people, and how important it really is. In a working world now trialling the likes of condensed hours, four-day weeks, and with side hustles taking a bigger slice of people’s time and priorities; we need to delve deeper into what people are looking for from employers. So that more businesses can be prepared, in an economy where the balance of power may have shifted slightly in favour of the people.

What do people value most?

Perhaps what’s most challenging for employers is knowing what a workforce really values, and how practically it can to support diverse needs. The pandemic has made everyone reappraise their health and wellbeing, and what they want to do with their lives. With headlines about the Great Resignation constantly in the news, plus a greater public understanding of the holistic nature of health and wellbeing, it’s never been more important for employers to stay agile, open-minded and ready to adapt to a new era of employee benefits. Stay tuned, the nation speaks next.

Our business healthcare

Benenden Healthcare for Business provides an affordable, high quality, private healthcare solution to support all your employees. With easy setup and no exclusions on pre-existing medical conditions, we want to help make healthcare a standard of employment for everyone, rather than just a perk for the few. See how we can help you develop a healthcare solution that works for your whole business.

Got a question and want to know more? Call us FREE on 0808 256 8209.